Monday, June 9, 2008

When it rains, it Pours.

The Milwaukee area is being devastated right now by this non-stop rain. Not to mention nearly everyone's homes have flooded basements......including ours.
My mom and dad built this house nearly 15 years ago. Never once did our basement flood. Never.
Until this weekend. The entire carpet is saturated and my dad has been working non-stop, night and day for almost 3 days now trying to get it out, clean, buy a new pump, etc. It's crazy amazing what God can do.
These are some photos of the Milwaukee area. Because my parents live on a hill, there is no standing water on the street or near our house....but just driving around today you can see all the flooded and closed off streets, all the furniture sitting outside on the curb at homes with water damaged basements. It's horrible.
I pray this is not a sign of our summer to come.
Even worse, the forecast says more rain tonight and tomorrow which is bad news for many many people around here.

Next time I'll try to post some happy thoughts. But until then, there is 9 inches of rain and counting....


Anonymous said...

thankfully my "basement" isnt flooded. i love you!


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, my parents were flooded too.......but theirs was sewage water.....G R O S S !!! They had close to 8 inches........and EVERYTHING is ruined. And stunk to high heaven!

So, we have been helping out over there.......glad yours was just regular sump pump water!!

Sorry you all have this going on too! XOXO~W