Friday, October 16, 2009

I've Moved!!!

I've been working on this secret project in the past couple weeks. I decided my blog needed a major makeover. I wanted it to look more like me!

Check it out HERE!


Moma'Scrap said...

Hi Bella,
How are you ???
I known, i known, i have to send the pictures for you... But I promisse you that until the end of this year i'll do that.
Always remember you and Jenna

maybe said...

I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^

Ryan C. Wise said...

Hey there, nice blog! I really liked your postings. I started a blog myself and I'm searching around for ideas and I was inspired! Check out mine if you'd like.

Jannie Funster said...

It's always great when we get that JUST ME feeling on our blog design! i think mine's getting closer.

Sounds like fun.

Cute little poochie too!

Stefan Lambert said...

You are wonderful and your web page is very beautiful.

Anonymous said...

your blog is soooo pretty i liked it:)please go check out my blog at