Thursday, June 7, 2007

A Beautfiul Night

Well, last night Steve and I went to see the Roughriders play at the Dr. Pepper BallPark in Frisco. The brand new ballpark is just a couple miles from our apartment. Steve bought us tickets last week for the game. I rushed home from work so that we could make it to the game by 7. The Roughriders are a Dallas minor league team. It was BEAUTIFUL 80 degrees with a nice breeze. It was a great night for a game. Steve was excited to be out at a field again, he misses it lots. Steve had a few beers, and by the 7th inning I was losing my attention span!!! Don't get me wrong I really did have a great time, but you know me and baseball ;) why can't there only be like 5 innings!!!The roughriders won....afterwards, we went back to the apt to watch our new favorite show....Will Traveler!!! Anyone start watching that show??? It's crazy!!!! Until next time....
I'm going to be scrapbooking this weekend so maybe I will post some pages I make, that is if any of them are worthy!


Sammy said...

Hey hun those were some cute pics. Done with your digital?? That is cool you are having good weather. Not here though it has been crazy first hot cold hot.. rainy and hail. It has been werid. I heard will was a good show but we have been busy here and havent had a chance to watch the tube besides the news. Well cant wait to see the scrap pages I am sure the are great.

Nicky said...

hey stephanie...

Anonymous said...

hey stephanie..


Morgan said...

Hey ~ I missed this post. I didn't look at it when I was looking at your scrapbook pages. The pic is so cute! I wish I could have gone to the know how much I LOVE baseball games!!! Anyways, have a goos weekend. Love you.

P.S. it is so nice to be off the farm and back to civilization and my computer :)