Monday, May 5, 2008


I only have a couple minutes to post. I just wanted to let everyone know that Steve and I arrived safely home. Here are a few photos I got of our huge truck, and the road trip. Steve lead, I followed, and the truck was last. It was hard to stay awake for nearly 19 hours of traveling, but as soon as I got home, I was awake and excited.

I am over my head in boxes to unpack and rooms to organize. I'll take pictures to share as soon as its in good enough condition.

It feels great to be home. I was awesome to finally see this sign:


christina said...


Anonymous said...

WeLcOmE hOmE!!!!

So glad you made it safe and sound, and yes, that is one BIG truck!!!


Anonymous said...

Those pics nearly made me cry!! Texas just isn't the same without you, Stephanie!