Monday, April 28, 2008

Getting there

We accomplished a lot of packing over the weekend. However, there are still this many empty boxes, that could potentially still get packed.

I'm hoping we won't use them all up and that we'll have extras.
The apartment is pretty depressing right now. Everything is empty and stripped down, the walls are bare, the cupboards only have the essentials.

So, we recently cancelled the cable, and as a result Steve is bored out of his mind. I think he has watched half of our DVD collection. Steve finished work this weekend, and so is home now during the day and AWAKE :). We've hanging out and spending time together...without the TV we talk so much more :). Not having the tv really hasn't effected me too much (cuz I still have my computer to keep me occupied when I'm bored :), so we rented this movie last night.

I totally loved it. And the soundtrack was awesome too. The movie has a "wierd" element to it, that's how you know its been
nominated for some awards. You can read about it here.

Anyways, that's about all for now. Lots of cleaning, movies, softball games, etc.

Oh yeah, wanted to show you this:

Isn't it awesome?!! I bought it at a local stationary shop, Paper & Chocolate.. They carry lots of handmade papers and maps I HAD to buy this. I don't have the cash to get it framed right away, but someday it will hang in my future house.


Anonymous said...

That is A LOT of empty boxes!! And your pretty room looks so sad now. :( Glad to hear you and S are getting in more talk time.


christina said...

: ) Seeing those boxes make me all giddy inside.

Morgan said...

i love that beautiful map of do I miss sad today :(